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Your brand is a valuable asset and powerful reflection of your point of difference. Creating, protecting and policing with brand guidelines will ensure your assets are always applied correctly and your brand is consistent wherever they are used.

Brand Guidelines

Brand Guidelines

BLCK BRND believes the creation of a brand guidelines document is crucial in maintaining brand consistency. It sets clear rules and regulations regarding the use of the brand assets across all collateral pieces.

The brand is more than the name and the logo. It is also the colour breakdown, the font families, the positioning. The imagery and tone of voice of the marketing message, even the environmental outlook. This ensures all future internal, promotional and corporate materials abide by the same rules, leading to a consistent and therefore more powerful and believable brand.

A brand identity guidelines document should always start with the brand logotype itself, explaining how the lettering and/or device has been made up and the various elements involved in its makeup. This should cover the dos and don’ts of the brand positioning.

Big Or Small

Depending upon clients’ requirements and resources, the document can range from a slim volume covering only the bare essentials of logo usage, through to a multi-page publication outlining all possible combinations of brand use. Not just for the logotype/identity itself but also for imagery, tone of voice, template styles for stationery, advertising, brochures, digital formats etc.

A brand guidelines document may be thought of as never ending in some instances and can cover many aspects of a brand’s assets. It consequently follows that the more assets a brand has, the more important it is to protect them.

Brand Guidelines