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Research, analysis and insight will form the foundation of our strategic marketing planning for your creative marketing communications.

BLCK BRND will define the proposition and positioning, build a message matrix and profile the target audience.


Our strategic solutions follow our methodology:

  • Situation:Where are we now?
  • Objectives: Where do we want to get to?
  • Strategy: How are we going to get there?
  • Tactics: How do we plan to achieve our KPI?
  • Actions: Who is going to do what and when?
  • Control: How can we develop the process?

Marketing Plan

BLCK BRND can work with your team to develop your:

Marketing Plans

  • Background
  • Key information from your business plan
  • Objectives
  • Financial, product, service and sector, in detail
  • Marketing requirements
  • What must be communicated

Strategic Overviews

  • Implementation
  • Timescales
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Management and reporting