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The role of a media planning consultant like BLCK BRND is to create a strategic action plan for your advertising campaigns from pre-defined marketing objectives that best suit the brand or product.

Where, When, What, & Who?

Working with a media planner for your advertising campaign is crucial to ensure maximum results. Understanding and agreeing the 4 W’s is the key here:

  • What is it that is being advertised?
  • Who is the ideal audience we need to be targeting?
  • When will the advertising campaign run? For how long?
  • Where will the advertisements appear?

And, of course, what are the goals of the campaign and how are we able to measure the success? OK, so maybe 5 or even 6 Ws.

Media Planning

Media Planning Buying

Setting the Budget

Understanding the objectives of the campaign will help shape the budget. However, it is also the case that the budget helps shape the direction of the campaign.

A higher budget allows bigger impact, increased audience and higher response rates. After all, an advertising slot on TV will cost much more than a print advert in a local paper. But, if you are not targeting the right audience, your money is wasted.

BLCK BRND can help create your media planning schedule and provide media options to suit your objectives and budgets.

Media Buying

Local newspapers, national magazines, billboards, TV, radio, social media. Exhibitions, airports, train stations, bus stops, supermarkets, garage forecourts. The placement options for your advertising campaign are many and it can be a confusing project in itself.

BLCK BRND is not a dedicated media planning agency but we work closely with a network of specialist media planning and buying agencies and freelancers across Ireland and the UK to ensure you do not have to.

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