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Reaching your users in their social spaces is a key part of joined-up marketing and social media marketing campaigns are a key opportunity to reach your customers.


The use of social media marketing campaigns or SMM within the B2B and B2C marketing mix has now gained widespread adoption and acceptance. Whether you are a small or medium enterprise or a larger organisation with multiple and different audiences, there are a vast number of social media management services available to you.

Precision social media marketing can identify your prime prospects. We can create a social media marketing campaign strategy for you, which may include setting up corporate accounts with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube, for example, on your behalf. This helps you in gaining a new potential client base to which you can market your products and services.

From product offerings, recruitment campaigns, event marketing, whatever your message good social media management will target your perfect audience to gain best traction.

Social Content Creation

The way people communicate and seek information is evolving and so the way your message can now reach out is fundamentally changing too. Devising best-performing content for your social media platforms requires a truly tailored messaging strategy otherwise you are in danger of losing out on traffic.

As a social media marketing consultant, BLCK BRND can work with you to define tactical and strategic messages for corporate awareness, PR or promotional social media marketing campaigns. Providing more direct ‘advertising’ or DM type messages for your business’ social media marketing campaigns.

Campaign Management

As social media management consultants, we are focused on delivering successful social media marketing campaigns. Always ensuring that social media is measured and its effects monitored, whether that is measured in unique visitors or returners to our clients’ websites and SM profiles, views of their pictures or videos or downloads of a white paper, for example.

We understand all organisations are different and this is why we create bespoke social media solutions for each client. With our expert guidance, we’ll craft an integrated strategy that will delivery big results.